
Carbon Club session: business community CO2 smart grid

In what way can CCU technologies absorb large quantities of CO2? What challenges lie ahead in the production of (sufficient amounts) of sustainable H2? And how can we use that H2 in combination with groundbreaking CCU innovations?

Are you interested in these topics or have a question to be answered in this field? Then the Carbon Club session on 15 November is your place to be. We wil organise this one in collaboration with the Voltachem program of TNO and Deltalinqs.

The Carbon Club is one of the outcomes of the CO2 Smart Grid program. It is the business community that generates new business opportunities and connects the unusual suspects from within and outside the CO2 Smart Grid network.

During the fall of this year the Carbon Club will organise three meetings. The second session is about CCU and large quantities of H2 and will take place on 15 November 2018. Our host for this event is Smart Port with whom we will be sharing their annual summit location: Ahoy Rotterdam.

The outline of the program can be found below. 

09.30 | Opening: setting the scene. Situation overview on the topic of CCU & H2

09.40 | Presentation of 3 challenges

10.30 | Discussion of the challenges in groups

11.15 | Recap per table – challenger gives a summary on his most important learnings

11.30 | Network

12.00 | Closure

We would like to emphasize that this meeting is not one where you sit back and just absorb the information that is shared. We are asking for an active participation during the discussion part. The setup is rather fluid and organic, so all you need to bring is a fresh mind and and a smile on your face.

Session 2: An important question for you upfront
The challenges are the core of the meeting. We are interested to hear what your challenges are connected to CCU technologies in relation to large quantities of sustainable H2? What question(s) do you have? Which "unusual suspect" do you need to complete your business proposition?

You can share your challenge during the registration process. In case you have no challenge to share, you are very much invited to fulfill the role of unusual suspect in solving the challenges of others.

Session 1: mineralisation of CO2 | 18 October 2018
As you might have noticed in your inbox the first Carbon Club meeting is taking place on 18 October 2018 and will be on the topic of mineralisation of CO2. The session will take place at the Bouwcampus of the TU Delft. There are still a couple of spots available, so if you are interested or your calendar magically cleared itself, do not hesitate and join us!

Smart Port Summit
As participant in the 2nd Carbon Club meeting on 15 november you are invited to take part in the Smart Port Summit which takes place in the afternoon. The program starts at noon and is free of charge. For more information on the program click here.

You need to register separately for the Smart Port Summit if you would like to join. Click here for the registration page.

The Carbon Club business community
More information on the Carbon Club business community, information on the other meetings and more can be found on


The Carbon Club is the business community of the CO2 Smart Grid network. All communication for the Carbon Club is managed by BLOC on behalf of the partners of the CO2 Smart Grid network.

Datum en tijdstip:
2018-11-15T09:30:00 2018-11-15T12:00:00
Rotterdam Ahoy
Ahoyweg 10
3084 BA Rotterdam
2018-10-16T17:00:00 2018-11-14T17:00:00